The Decline of the Mistress

The Decline of the Mistress

This topic has been on my mind for a while now. Over last 10 years, maybe even longer, I have witnessed the down fall of THE MISTRESS and a new era emerging… THE SIDE CHICK.

Back when our grandparents and great-grandparents were in their prime and living life to the fullest, THE MISTRESS had morals and values to a certain extent. It was already bad enough that she was getting the “short end of the stick”, but she was not going to allow her “Man” to give her the short end of the stick across the board.

THE MISTRESS had certain requirements that had to be met in order for her to “play her position”. One major requirement was that she needed her own home, if she didn’t have one already. If she did have her own home, she needed to make sure that her rent/mortgage and utilities were paid. How can she focus on being his “relief/place of peace” if she was stressed and worried about where she was going to lay her head tomorrow?

If by chance they were to have children together, then her children needed to be provided for. I’m not talking about your basic generic “child support”. Her children needed to have the same “luxuries” his other children had.

Fast forward to the generation of THE SIDE CHICK and my first thought is “MY, HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN”. This new breed of “SIDE CHICK” has no morals, no values, and no self-respect.

(I know what you’re saying… “how could they if they are “side chicks”?!)

THE SIDE CHICK is doing a disservice to herself. How do you allow yourself to be a sexual playground for someone who will do nothing for you?

These 2014 “side chicks” are only getting a “good time” and some of them are barely getting that!

Ladies are becoming “side chicks” to guys who won’t even buy them a Happy Meal.

Ladies are becoming “side chicks” to guys who won’t help them change a flat tire when they are broke down on the side of the road.

Ladies are becoming “side chicks” and getting pregnant by guys who are already not taking care and providing for the children they already have.

 “The Side Chick” comes from a “prestigious” background, “THE MISTRESS”. Don’t dishonor your heritage. Make your ancestors proud. Rise from the lowly ashes of the “side chick” and emerge like the Phoenix as a Mistress!

-Stacie Stiletto