10 Things No One Tells You Before You Move In With Your Mate

The first time I shared a space with someone I was romantically involved with I was not mature enough to handle it. We fought constantly about little things. When you are with the right person the little things don’t matter.

   1.     They are ALWAYS there.

Some couples decide to move in together for financial reasons. Some couples decide to move in together because they are ready to take their relationship to the “next level”. Whatever the reason may be… when you live with your mate THEY ASS IS ALWAYS THERE!

Gone are the days of having an argument and you get to go home to your own place and chill out until you calm down. Nah… there is nowhere to run and there is no place to hide. Now ya’ll are both walking around the house acting crazy and not speaking to one another. In the kitchen stirring the mac and cheese with a vengeance, slamming doors, going to bed and being petty by hogging all of the blankets.

When you had your own place and ya’ll would argue… you would go home and not have to worry about all that foolishness.

   2.     You have to go to bed when your mate goes to bed.

Most of us moved out of our parents place because we didn’t want to go to bed at a certain time. When you have your own place you are free to go to bed when you please, If you chose to go to bed at all.

When you live with your mate and they are ready to call it a night and head to bed… 9 times out of 10 the expect you to be right behind them.

Who made that a rule?

Why do I have to go to bed because YOU are sleepy?

Oh, so because YOU have to get up early tomorrow I can’t watch Wig Reviews on YouTube til 4 in the morning?

We’ve all been there… you decide to buck the system because “YOU’RE GROWN” and you stay up all hours of the night… only to have your mate wake up at 3:57am to get a drink of water and as they walk past you on the couch they say “OH SO YOU STILL UP… YOU JUST NOT GON’ COME TO BED HUH, OH OK.”

   3.     You have a curfew.

 I left my mama house because of curfew… you mean to tell me that I am grown and I still have to abide by a curfew?
I think that this is the most difficult thing for people to deal with, having to be home at a “decent” hour. Who gets to decide what is “decent”?

Your decent may be 10pm.
That would never work for me.  I don’t start getting ready to go out until 10pm.  Then after the event, party, club, or whatever the case maybe I like to go to waffle house/ihop with my girls to grab a bite and recap the night… so that’s an additional 2hrs to however long I've been out already.

   4.     No more Pre-Gaming it with the girls.

Before I decided to do the whole “relationship” thing… Whenever I would go out with my girls… Getting ready would be an event in itself. We would all usually meet up at my house to do hair, makeup, and get dressed. The radio would be blasting, we would be taking shots of Tequila and singing loud and off key as we got ready for the night.  My room would look like a tornado hit it. Clothes would be everywhere. The entire house would smell like spritz, toast, and Japanese Cherry Blossoms.


   5.     You can no longer come and go as you please.

Every time you walk out the door your mate is always asking where you are going.  Oh and don’t say that you are going to the store… then they want to know what you are going to the store for.

   6.     You can’t spend your money the way you want to spend your money.

I remember when “Caleb” and I were living together he would always say something about the wigs I would buy. I would buy 5 or 6 wigs a week. If Caleb got home before I did I would stash the wigs in the trunk of my car until he left for work the next morning.  A friend of mine does the same thing with her shoes.

   7.     There will always be a war over the remote control.

They want to watch their shows. You want to watch your shows. Both shows are on at the same time. What do you do? You could flip from one channel to the other during the commercial breaks… but I actually like watching commercials. You could let your mate watch their show this week and you catch your next week but why do you have to miss out? Let’s not forget movies… you want to watch Love and Basketball and he wants to watch Belly. When you decide to get up and go watch your shows/movies in the other room… then they want to get an attitude.  You just can’t win!

   8.     You have to deal with their friends.

When you had your own place the only time you would have to deal with their friends is when you would all get together and hang out as a group. That would be maybe once or twice a month. Now that you and your mate share the same address you have to see their friends every other day. It’s cool if you guys get along but if you don’t… that would be pure torture.

   9.     You have to buy two of the same thing.

My mate likes mayo but I like miracle whip. I like Colgate but my mate likes Crest. It’s the little things like this that may not bother you at first but over time you may begin to “feel some type of way” about it.  Next thing you know you and your honey get into an argument and you’re both yelling and screaming and you say “SCREW YOU AND YOUR CHEAP ASS MAYO!!!” It’s funny now but you won’t think it’s so funny when you are going through it.

   10.                         You have to share a room.

I don’t know who came up with this stupid idea. You go from having your own place, your own bed… to sharing a room. I shared a room with my sister when we were younger but I had my own bed! I was free to decorate my side of the room how I pleased. Then when I was finally able to have my own room… omg!!! B2K posters covered every inch of my walls.

When “Jones” and I moved in together we would always argue about decorating the bedroom. Jones is into sports and he wanted the room covered with the Falcons. I wanted the room pink and black.
Eventually we compromised and the room ended up being BLACK (rolls eyes).

Before you decide to move in with your mate you have to be sure if you can deal with all of their uniqueness. You have to stop thinking about “me” and start thinking about “we”.

What are some of the things no one told you?

How did you handle your differences?

If you haven’t done so already you still have a chance to enter to win the 2015 Lovers Giveaway. The entry form is below.

-Stacie Stiletto
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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