Fake It Til You Make It

Hey Honey!

Can I talk to you for a second?

I just want to take a moment to let you know how proud of you I am. You've decided to turn your dream into a reality and that is HUGE!!

I know how hard it is to jump out there and do something that others are telling you not to. I just want to let you know that I believe in you and I support you.

May I offer you a small piece of advice?

I know that when you are just starting out you have visions of being a “major corporation” but you feel as if you are a “mom & pop” store.


Come out the gate as if you are already where you want to be. In order for other people to take you seriously, you have to first take yourself seriously.

When someone contacts you about your business or service, even if they are family/friends, be professional.  

You know how loved ones can be. They always want something for the FREE.99

I’m not saying that you have to charge a million dollars, but don’t sell yourself short either. Your time is valuable.

They won’t treat your business as a business if you aren't treating your business as a business.

One last piece of advice before I let you go…

Invest in your business!! Get the proper tools needed to do what you do.

If you are a makeup artist, then invest in some great makeup brushes and eye shadow palettes.

If you are a hair dresser then get an amazing flat iron, blow dryer, and curling wand. Whatever tools you need to get the job done.

You may not be able to get everything you need at one time and that’s fine. Get something this paycheck. Ask for this item for your anniversary. Put this item on your Christmas wish list. Slow and steady wins the race!

Take a class or two to help you develop your craft. Stay up to date with the latest trends and techniques of your industry.

Thanks for taking the time to chat with me and if I can help you in any way just let me know.

Team work makes the dream work.

-Stacie Stiletto

Tis The Season

I love this time of the year. Everyone is all happy and filled with cheer. All I see is smiling faces when I am out and about. The smell of warm apple cider, hazelnut coffee, and freshly baked goodies in the air just puts you in a great mood.

As we all are getting ready to spend the holidays with our families, I want you to keep in mind that there are others out there who are unable to do so.

This holiday season if you are able to do so, I would love for you to GIVE BACK!

If your co-worker/roommate is unable to go home for the holidays, invite them over for a meal.

Call your local nursing home and see if you and your children can adopt a grandparent. This time of the year is extremely difficult for the elderly. Some of them haven’t seen their families since they were dropped off at the nursing home years ago.

Put together a care package, write a letter, or send a card to a soldier overseas.

Go to your local Salvation Army/Chic-Fil-A and adopt an Angel off the tree. Each angel represents a child in need. Select the angel you want to adopt, shop for the item and return your new unwrapped gift to the same location.

You could contact your local homeless shelter and/or soup kitchen to see if you can come down and volunteer.

Your children have a room full of toys that they are no longer interested in playing with. Gather up all the toys that are still in good condition (no broken or missing parts) and donate them.

We all have so much to be thankful for. This year lets be a blessing to someone else.

-Stacie Stiletto

You Turned Your Daughter Into A Mommy

It’s the Christmas season and everywhere you go all you see is toys, toys, toys.

I was talking to a friend of mine and I asked her what she was getting her son (age 2) for Christmas because I did not want to get him the same thing.

I noticed how every time “Ashley” goes to the kitchen to cook, her son tags along and wants to help. “Ashley” is constantly telling him to get out of the kitchen.

I asked “Ashley” if it would be alright to get her son a play kitchen for Christmas. I told her that I would also get the food and the dishes that go with it. That way when “Ashley” goes in the kitchen to cook, her son can go in his own kitchen.

“Mike” (Ashley’s husband) heard our conversation and before “Ashley” had a chance to respond he said NO. I was then told that kitchens are for girls.

That made me start thinking about girl toys, boy toys, and the toys my sister and I had as children.

From an early age little girls want to be mommies. Parents unknowingly train their daughters to be housewives and mothers.
Little girls get baby dolls that cry, that wet themselves and need to be changed, the dolls come with a stroller, bassinets, high chairs, diapers, and a birth certificate. Your daughter is now an official mommy at the age of 3.

Then parents give their daughters the proper equipment needed to take care of a home:

Babies and baby items

Food and grocery carts


Pots and pans



As these girls grow and become young women parents “upgrade” their toys. Now they have to cook in the real kitchen for their family. Their dolls are replaced with their younger siblings and they are now required to do real laundry & keep the house clean.

It’s no wonder that a lot of young girls want to get married and have a family at an early age. They have been training for that their entire lives.

I don’t think that kitchens and other “house hold” toys should be gender specific.

If boys received the same lifelong “domestic” training that the girls receive then maybe the divorce rate wouldn’t be so high.

How about we give our daughters career related toys so that they can aspire to be more than a house wife?


A lot of parents have stopped giving their young girls Barbies because they say that Barbie will lower the girls’ self-esteem. Let’s not talk about Barbie’s looks. Let’s focus on her careers. Barbie has had over 100 different careers.

I just want to give our children a fair shot at life. Boys shouldn't be the only ones receiving lifelong career training and girls shouldn't be the only ones receiving lifelong domestic training.

-Stacie Stiletto

Justice For Mike Brown

Everyone is upset about the verdict of the Mike Brown case. We need to come together as a people in order for change to happen. We need to find PRODUCTIVE ways to channel our anger. 

You all say that things need to change but what are YOU doing to fix the problem? Don't complain if you are NOT willing to help. 

Love each other and support one another.

Stacie Stiletto 

I'm more than just a rental

Ever since the dawn of home movies guys have traded going to the movie theatre to grope their date in public to groping them in the privacy of their own home. I am pretty sure our dads called our mothers on the phone back in the day to invite them over to watch a Blockbuster VHS and order Chinese food. With the growing popularity of Redbox and Netflix the chances of women actually going to the movie theater with the new “boo” are slim to none.

(Side note: with the high price of movie tickets and snacks though, I kind of understand)

Ladies, we have all had a guy at one time or another say to us:


But this is not our first time at the rodeo, we've been fooled before. What we hear is:


Listen, listen, listen… we know it’s a set up. When we hear your suggestion we have an automatic reflex to roll our eyes and say “BOY BYE”.

I am more than just a rental. I need to know that I mean more to you than just a few hours of entertainment.

What you should have done is actually plan a movie night and invite her over but you have to be smooth with it. Plan a Pajama Movie Night.

Before you plan to host a movie night you need to find out what her favorite movies are if you don’t know already.

Put together a menu. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. You could actually order takeout if it is in your budget or you could cook something. Ask your date if she would be interested in COOKING the meal WITH YOU. You could even do TV Dinners, just remember to take them out of the containers and put them on real/paper plates. You could also bake cookies together, from scratch or the pre-made kind, totally up to you.

Don’t forget the candy and the popcorn! Ask your date what is her favorite movie theater candy or her favorite candy period. You can find both the candy and the popcorn at the dollar store.

(sidenote: seen these when I went to Wal-Mart the other day)

While you are at the dollar store you can also pick up a few candles and/or tea lights if you don’t have any already. Don’t forget the matches!

You could have your date arrive in their jammies, bring their jammies with them, or you could get the two of you matching jammies (the kind with the feet attached would be super cute). Please be sure to actually wear pajamas, basketball shorts DON’T count!!!!

You always watch TV/movies on the couch or in your bed. For this event let’s get a little creative. Get all the blankets and pillows you have and make a palette on the floor.  Snuggle up together and enjoy the movie(s).

After the movie(s) is over light the candles/tea lights around the room turn on Pandora or play a jazz cd softly in the background and TALK TO YOUR DATE. Talk about the movie(s). Talk about life.  Ask them about their hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. Be sure to share yours as well. Talk about everything or talk about nothing. Go wherever the conversation may take you. Enjoy each other’s company.

Ladies don’t expect you to take them out and spend a million dollars on each date. We understand that sometimes you have to ball on a budget. We care about the effort you put into the date more so than the date itself. Women remember the memories we created together, not that one time you took us to see [insert random movie title here]. If your “girl” complains about thoughtful at home date nights then most likely she is not the girl for you. 

Remember keep it simple yet thoughtful and you will win every time.

-Stacie Stiletto

Is Porn Cheating?

While pornography can be addicting, pornography can have positive effects on a relationships because it can open communication about your partners’ wants, needs, and desires, it can spice up your sex life, and it can possibly stop your mate from physical infidelity.
First, pornography can have positive effects on a relationship because it opens communication about your partners’ wants, needs, and desires. The Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography defined pornography as “material predominantly sexually explicit and intended for purposes of sexual arousal” (1986. Pp. 228-229). The term sex was the most frequently searched word on the internet (“Sex is the most searched term on the web,” 2002). An estimated 40 million Americans view pornography on a regular basis (Ropelato, 2011). One of the main reasons couples have issues in their relationship, outside of money issues, is because they are not satisfied sexually. They are not satisfied because they do not know how to bring up the subject of what they want. If a couple were to watch pornography together then they may not feel as embarrassed and/or shy about talking about the things they desire. Liza Featherstone writes in You, Me and Porn Make Three, that adult material can be a healthy outlet for sexual fantasy, and can even possibly bring a couple closer together. You both may secretly want the same things, but are afraid to tell the other because you are not sure of what their reaction may be. Benjamin and Thusten (2010) did a study about the positive impact of couples indulging in pornography together. Participants in the study said that viewing adult material together helped them learn how to better satisfy their mate.
Additionally, it can spice up your sex life. Indulging in adult materials with your mate allows you to explore each other’s fantasies. Pornography can inspire you to try new things with your sexual partner. You can experience the wild side of life without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home. Pornography can be used as a learning tool in the relationship. You may not be able to successfully articulate exactly what you want to your partner but a picture is worth a thousand words. If you are putting forth an effort to ensure that your mates wants needs and desires are being met and in turn they are putting forth an effort to ensure that your wants needs and desires are being met, then that will help the two of you form a stronger intimate bond.

Finally, the most important reason pornography can have positive effects on a relationships is it can possibly stop your mate from physical infidelity. Some women are uncomfortable with their spouse indulging in pornography. One reason that women are uncomfortable with their husbands watching porn is because they are insecure and feel as if the women on the videos and/or magazines may be more attractive than they are and that they are unable to compete with them. Wives may feel as if their partner is committing adultery if they are looking at adult themed materials. The Merriam-Webster definition of adultery is “voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or a married woman and someone other than her husband.” Ross Douthat writes in Is Pornography Adultery, that if watching a woman perform sex acts in front of you is cheating then watching it on your TV should be cheating as well. Douthat also states that although the husband may be cheating sexually, worse forms of infidelity are being averted. He is not getting emotionally involved with another woman, there is no risk of him catching a sexual transmitted disease and unknowingly giving it to you, and there is no chance of him accidently creating a baby out of wedlock. 

Wives should not focus on the woman on the screen, rather the act that is being performed on the screen. She should ask her mate what about that particular scenario is appealing to them.  Men generally participate in these extracurricular activities because their mates are unwilling and/or uninterested in doing certain things in the bedroom.

In the article You, Me and Porn Makes Three, Liza states that couples talk about, strategize, and compromise on many issues in the relationship like how money is spent, how many children they will have, where they will raise the children, but they never discuss their intimacy needs. It doesn’t have to be a formal contract mapping out when, where, how often, and what specific acts will be performed. You just need to have a general idea of the others expectations so neither one of you ends up feeling hurt and/or neglected.
          Applying the emotivism perspective to pornography in relationships, the wife is uncomfortable with the material there for it is wrong and her mate is committing adultery. This perspective would fit hand in hand with the deontology theory. The wife would argue that she would not continue to do something that made her partner feel uncomfortable or inadequate.
To apply the utilitarianism theory to adult material in relationships, the wife will agree that there are worse things her spouse could be doing.
          Indeed, while pornography can be addicting, pornography can have positive effects on a relationships. Beggan, J.K. writes in “What sort of man reads Playboy” that male readers indicated a lack of stereotyping women and correct information about women, sex and relationships proved to be extremely educational. The positive benefits of indulging in adult material together outweigh the negative.


Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography (1986). Final report. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Beggan, J. K.,& Allison, S. T. (2013) “What sort of man reads Playboy?” The self-reported influence of Playboy on the construction of masculinity. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 11, 189-206

Benjamin, O., & Thusten, D. (2010). Intimacy and/or degradation Heterosexual images of togetherness and women’s embracement of pornography. Sexualities. 13, 599-623
Butler, M. E., Holm, J. E., & Ferraro, F. R. (fall 2011). 

Pornography's Immediate Effect on Relatinship Satisfaction. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research, 16(3), 113-122. - See more at: http://reffor.us/index.php#sthash.VAKPzQR0.dpuf
Douthat, R. (Oct 2008). 

Is Pornography Adultery? The Atlantic, 302 (3), 80.
Featherstone, L. (2005). 

You, Me and Porn Make Three. Psychology Today.
Ropelato, J. (2011). 

Internet pornography statistics-TopTenReviews Internet Filter Software Review-TopTenReviews. Retrieved from http://internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com/internet-pornographystatistics.html

‘Sex’ is the most searched term on the web (2002). Cyber India Online Limited. Retrieved from http://www.ciol.com

I'm Not about That Life

I have been reading urban romance novels and street fiction since I was about 12-14 years old. Some of the first books that got me hooked on this genre were:

I would lock myself in the bathroom, take a long hot bath and read the entire book from cover to cover. When the water would get cold I would drain the tub then fill it with more hot water. I was addicted at an early age. I would read 4 to 5 books a week. I always had a book with me. I became a book junkie. As soon as I finished one book I was on the hunt for the next. Calling all my friends asking if they had a book I could borrow, begging my daddy to take me to Books-A-Million to buy me another book or to take me to the library for a few hours so that I could sit and read. He would complain then ask me what I did with the books he just bought me and my reply was always the same… “I READ THEM, DUH!”
(I’m not crazy, I thought “duh” I didn’t dare say it lol)
Reading those types of books at such an early age, I use to think that I wanted that type of relationship. Even as I got older and started having different life experiences, in the back of my mind I had this idea of how I wanted to live my life and the type of relationships and/or friendships that I wanted to be a part of.
The books that I read are full of sex, drugs, betrayal, and a bond/connection between a Chocolate Adonis and an Ebony Goddess. I wanted that life. I wanted that epic adventure, the roller coaster ride of emotions, the “I can’t tell your limbs from mine-mind blowing-soul entwining-love making”. I wanted the “even though we may break up-our paths in life will lead us back home because we are built for each other-relationship”.
Some of the experiences that I’ve had have been dangerously close to that lifestyle. I’m amazed that I made it through my early twenties. I was hell on wheels. I am positive that if I wrote a book about that period of my life it would be a New York Times best seller and featured in Oprah’s Book Club.
Now that I am a bit older wiser, I realize that I am not about that life! The bad outweighs the good in those relationships. Yes, I want that bond/connection, but not if I have to go through all the pain and heartache that comes with it.
Could you imagine your house getting broken into, police kicking down your door, kids being kidnapped, you almost die in a fire trying to recuse them, the love of your life goes to prison and they tell you he died in there, you plan his funeral and move on with your life, only for your honey to return “from the dead” years later claiming that he’s been hiding out on an island and now he wants you and the kids to up root your lives and move with him… which you do because that is the love of your life. When you get to this island all is well for a few months. Then this crazy island chick, who your honey has been kicking it with while he was “dead” pops up and starts stalking your family because she is pissed that she has been playing wifey to your man and he wouldn’t wife her. In the mist of her stalking and making your life a living hell, a drug war breaks out between your man’s crew and the local drug cartel. All this is happening while you are trying to repair your relationship.
The drama is nonstop. Before you are able to get both feet planted firmly on the ground someone comes and snatches the rug from under you again.
I don’t think I could handle that. I am not about THAT life. I would be okay for a hot second, but eventually I would have to make some serious life decisions. Now that I think about it… that is exactly what I did.
My late teens and early twenties were drama filled. I had a life changing experience that made me take a step back and look at the direction my life was headed. I didn’t like what I saw. I couldn’t continue on the same path and live to tell about it.
I love, love, love my Urban Romance and Street Fiction novels to pieces, but I would much rather read about the drama from the comfort of my bathtub than live the drama.

-Stacie Stiletto

Have you read a book that made you want THAT type of relationship?

What are some of your favorite Urban Romance and Street Fiction books?

What good book(s) have you read recently?

I would love to hear from you!